Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Far Has Our Republic Fallen?

Abraham Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The more power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its method or throw light upon its crimes.

I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the financial institutions at the rear; the latter is my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.

Abraham Lincoln, November 11, 1864

Lincoln was assassinated 5 months later


Lincoln no doubt sought to make things right after the War ended. He did not get the chance. He was assassinated before the War ended on April 9, 1865.

The Foundation for the beginning of the destruction of our Republic

We are beset by issues. Unfortunately we bounce around from one to another with no apparent resolution. We are like someone trying to defeat the arcade game, "Whack-a-Mole". The issues never disappear, in fact they only get worse and "We the People" become frustrated by this endless activity. This is part of their design. To keep us focused on so many different things that we can't possibly focus upon one particular issue.

The more constructive way to look at these issues is to take a look at them in chronological order. In a timeline. If you break it up into the issues that have come and gone and into the issues that are currently being fought, it's much easier to distinguish which issues require immediate attention and which are not so urgent.

By looking at these issues in this timeline, or chronological order, it is much easier to see that these issues have been constructed in a "Tower of Power". And this "Tower of Power" was constructed in this sequence for a reason. The lower levels are the building blocks for the upper levels. Whether it is called Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Globalism or New World Order doesn't matter, they are all one and the same thing. A means to an end....the destruction of our Republic!

Our first response has been to fight the issues of the day. It is inherently a defensive fight. And by tackling these issues the way we have in the past, by thrashing from one to the other, we become tired, worn-out and fatigued. Anyone who watches football, knows how hard it is to score on the defense. It rarely happens, if at all. This system is designed to keep us occupied and running between the same issues over and over to distract us from what is really the main issue we should be focused upon and so far, it has worked exactly as planned. It's time we all wake up and get off of this "hamster's spinning wheel" we have been placed on.

Our second response has been to concede those issues that have come and gone. Instead of conceding, we need to go on the offense.....AND MAKE IT COUNT!

Money is THE Foundation of this "Tower of Power".

In 1773, Amschel Mayer Rothschild lays down the proposition of world control through Central Banking. He stated, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." Amschel's son, Nathan Rothschild, takes control of The Bank of England the day after the Battle of Waterloo. In 1815 he states, "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire.....the man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

You can see how this unfolds in the history of the United States:

1) 1782 Bank of North America~ the first effort to form a Central Bank is given a 20-year charter. At that time, corporations were not perpetual, they were formed only for the public good and only for a specific purpose, hence the 20-year charter. The founder, Robert Morris was imprisoned in 1798 for all the fraud and abuse. The charter expired in 1802.
2) 1791 1st Bank of the U.S. ~ the second effort was led by none other than the first Treasury Secretary of the United States, Alexander Hamilton. He gets Congress to agree to charter the 1st Bank of the U. S. for 20 years. In 1811, they vote for renewal but it is defeated by a single tie-breaker vote, by George Clinton of New York. What follows is the War of 1812. A War with apparently no purpose, except maybe started out of retaliation by the Bankers to force the United States back into a situation where it doesn't have sufficient tax revenues to fight this war, thereby forcing the US to revert back to the Central Banking idea to fund this war. If that was its purpose, it succeeded. The War lasted from 1812 - 1815.
3) 1816 2nd Bank of the U.S. ~ In 1816, Congress charters the second bank of the United States with another 20-year charter. In 1832, President of the bank, Nicholas Biddle seeks renewal and meets with the strong will of President Andrew Jackson. President Jackson vetoes the renewal and what follows is, Biddle, declares economic war on the citizens of the United States in order to force President Jackson to change his mind. In addition, in 1835, we have the FIRST assassination attempt upon a sitting President of the United     States. But President Jackson survives the attempt and he prevails, the charter expires in 1836.

On February 21, 1848, Karl Marx issues his famous "Communist Manifesto" and lays down ten points of a ten-point strategy. The 5th point picks up on the Rothschild scheme stating, "Centralization of credit in a monopolistic central bank". It concludes, "The theory of Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of Private Property"!

What follows is a Civil War. After 70 years of running with a Constitutional currency of gold and silver coin, Abraham Lincoln breaches faith with the Constitution. Faced with borrowing gold and silver from the Rothschild's and New York banks at 30 to 40 percent interest, he decides to print paper money.
    In 1861 they were Demand Notes

    In 1862 they were Legal Tender Notes

    In 1862 London responds with Hazard Circular (Notes)

In 1863, after 81 YEARS, the Banks win! They now have the power to issue privately issued bank notes.

4) 1863, National Banking Act is issued and given a charter of 20 years.

1864, President Lincoln speaks out AGAINST the money power.

SEE THE ABOVE QUOTE BY PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By his statement, it is clear President Lincoln saw his error in issuing the paper money and clearly he intended to reverse this error, but he never got the chance since he was assassinated on April 9, 1865. Just 5 short months after making his announcement where he expresses his concern for the safety of his beloved country.

The National Bank Act was set to expire in 1882.

In 1881, President James Garfield, also an opponent of the idea of central banking, is against the renewal and President Garfield is assassinated that same year!

     1882 ~ 2nd Charter Period – President Andrew Johnson renews the charter for another 20 years. The second charter is set to expire in 1902.

In 1901, William McKinley becomes President of the United States and he is also against renewal. President McKinley is also assassinated that same year. After McKinley's assassination, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt becomes President. President Roosevelt is part of the New York banking family and is the first elected Progressive as President, therefore he is for renewal.
    3rd Charter Period ~ President Roosevelt approves the third banking charter which was set to expire in 20 years. The third charter expired in 1922.

During this period, there is a very interesting election in 1912. William Howard Taft is President. Even though President Taft is a very popular incumbent during a period of relative prosperity, he is defeated by the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson is a relatively unknown professor and a Progressive. "Wilson stated he believed the country would be better off if it were run by men like J. P. Morgan." Taft's defeat is accomplished because the Republican vote was split between incumbent candidate, President Taft and former Republican President Teddy Roosevelt. Even though Roosevelt was a Republican, he ran in this election as a candidate of the "Bull Moose Party". The Bull Moose political party was created especially for this one election. To assure that President William Howard Taft, an opponent of the Central Bank, was defeated. Remember, Roosevelt was a member of the New York banking family therefore he was FOR the idea of the Central Bank. Former President Roosevelt's entrance into the Presidential race splits the Conservative vote, thereby assuring Taft's defeat and Wilson's victory.
Wilson becomes President and on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas, he signs the Federal Reserve Act into law!

    5) 1913 Federal Reserve Act

It had taken 131 years, 5 attempts with 3 completions of assassinations, undoubtedly a lot of hard work, but the Central Bankers had finally won! They now had their Central Bank and a perpetual Charter. Our nation was fundamentally changed! By that point the foundation and the control over money had been established.


    "No State shall….emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts …." – Article I, Section II

Article I Section II specifically states…."NO….BILLS OF CREDIT". That plainly means NO "banknotes" or more specifically, NO FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES!

This was a bed-rock principle and that was because of the unique characteristics of gold and silver. They have instrinsic value.

"Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, impress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice." "We may become a great commercial and flourishing nation. But if in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfounded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy." George Washington, First President of the United States, 1789 – 1797

"Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good." "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in American arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." John Adams, Second President of the United States 1797 – 1801

"I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity…is but swindling futurity on a large scale." "If we American people ever allow monopoly banking to control the issue of currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, these banks and bureaucracies that will grow up around them will deprive We, the People of all our property until our children will wake up homeless on the continent which God gave us for our stewardship." "We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements … [we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account, but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers … and this is the tendency of all human governments." Thomas Jefferson Third President of the United States 1801 – 1809

Here is a review of the federal moneys we have had here in the United States.

Gold coins – 1791

Silver coins – 1791

    Gold and Silver coins have Intrinsic Value, Government Coined, Citizen Issued and they are debt and interest FREE.

Government Issued Paper – during the Civil War

1861 Demand Notes

1862 Legal Tender Notes

1863 Gold Certificates

1875 Silver Certificates

    These paper notes have NO Intrinsic Value, they are redeemable, guaranteed by the Federal Government, Government printed, Government issued and they are also debt and interest FREE.

1862 Hazard Circular

    1862 The London Times, "If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic should become indurated won to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

    July 1862 The Hazard Circular "Bravery is likely to be abolished by the war power and all chattel slavery abolished. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers while the European plan, led on by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that. But we can control the bonds and through them the bank issues."

By issuing this "Hazard Circular", in 1862, the Bank of England and London had declared war on Legal Tender Notes. They succeeded. In 1863, The National Bank Act authorized the private issuance of bank notes, The National Bank Act. Federal Reserve Notes are nothing but a modern version of the bank notes authorized by that Bank Act. The bankers gained the ability to put money into circulation. The bankers gained the power to issue paper money – at a time when the South was not represented in Congress.

Unlike the previous money's that have been referred to, there is a big difference here. Eventually the Federal Reserve Notes become not only worthless paper, but there is no redemption with anything. No gold, no silver, no guarantee and no guarantor. They are still printed by the Bureau of Engraving. But they are given at the cost of printing at the Federal Reserve and then borrowed back by the Federal Government. This process is known as debt monetization! The Banks will not put money into circulation unless somebody borrows it.

The history of the financial legislation is fascinating and worth studying. The net effect of all of this that all of the government issued currency is eliminated, with the exception of the coins we carry in our pockets, which makes it important to understand the nature of debt monetization.

As the wealth of a nation grows, and by real wealth, we are referring to land, buildings, schools and parks, the money supply must grow. In a monopolistic debt monetized system, the only way to get more money into circulation is for somebody, some government agency or some corporation to borrow it. And it does not matter who borrows it, all of these debts are ultimately born and paid for by the People.

    As wealth grows….

    The money supply must grow…

    But only by increasing debt.

    Increasing debt is built into the system.

    All debts are born by the People.

    Paying off the debt requires an implosion of the money supply.

A second corollary of this system is it is impossible to pay down the debt without imploding the money supply. By paying off debt, the money disappears from circulation. It is axiomatic, meaning self-evident or obvious.

We are electing people to Congress who are claiming to go to Washington, D. C. and start restoring financial sanity to our political processes. But they do not understand that they can not accomplish their goal, UNLESS they challenge the monetary system itself!

If there happens to be an implosion, the Real Wealth will remain. The land, buildings, schools, parks, they are still there. During a financial distress, the wealthier get wealthier and the people become poorer.

Another corollary of our money system is INFLATION. Here we have the Real Wealth of the nation, the current supply of money or the volume of money in circulation, and therefore, the value of the dollar and the prices. If the money supply grows and is used to build Real Wealth, then the value of the dollar remains stable. If however, the money supply grows faster than Real Wealth, the value of the currency declines. Because of the decline of the value of the currency, prices go up, in a process known as inflation. Most people think of inflation as an increase in prices but this only describes the symptom not the cause. A better way for the people to understand inflation is an increase in the money supply which in turn devalues the currency and because the currency is worth less prices go up. A gallon of milk or a gallon of gasoline does not appreciate in value, it has constant real value, it is the value of the currency that declines.

When banks make loans, they increase the money supply without any government involvement. Typically when the money supply goes up, we talk about the government printing the money. In fact, the money is being created by the banks, the Federal Reserve Bank System. For example, when a person borrows money for a mortgage, they generally think they are borrowing somebody else's deposits. This is simply not true. When a person then signs a mortgage, coming from the French, mort, meaning death, and gage, meaning pledge, when they essentially agree to become an indentured servant of a bank for a 30 year period of time, and they agree to sign effective title of said home to the bank, through a deed of trust, then and only then the bank issues them a worthless currency saying here's your money created from thin air. The only value in that exchange is the labor of that person and the value of the home that is being pledged, not the currency that is being created.

So how does this impact me directly, you may be asking? As the money supply goes up, the value of the dollar comes down and the real value of your income, your lifetime savings, and your investments decline. Although in paper they might appear to be increasing, in terms of real value they are declining. Also taxes go up.

Take a look at the actual numbers from the founding of our country in 1791 until 2009, the value of the dollar has declined. It has dropped from one dollar to an actual real value of 0.83 cents. As of 2010 it has dropped even lower. There has been a 55 times decline in the value of our currency.

    Pivotal Events:

  • The War of 1812
  • Coinage Act of 1834 – makes gold more valuable, therefore reduces the value of the silver dollar.
  • Civil War of 1862, which drops the value of the paper by 55 percent, it eventually recovers.
  • In 1933, FDR signs executive order 6102, ordering the confiscation of all gold and gold certificates from the people at the threat of imprisonment and the threat of large fines. The gold and gold certificates are not turned over to the Treasury, they are turned over to the Federal Reserve Bank Corporations. These are privately owned corporations, not government agencies. They are no more a Federal agency than is the global shipping company, FedEx, or Federal Express. So in effect, the people are forced to give up their Constitutional money in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes. Once they have been given the paper, the paper is devalued by forty percent. As a result in ONE YEAR the Bankers take forty percent of the wealth of the nation!
  • In 1971, President Nixon takes us off the gold standard. And the dollar plummets. President Nixon has been portrayed as an evil man in some instances for doing this, but he may have thought that was the only course of action he could take with the amount of gold that was already flowing out of this country.

From the period of time from 2000 to 2009, the dollar has declined in terms of gold. The gold constant dollar has dropped to 27.3 cents. So an average annual income of $100,000 in the year 2000 would have increased to an average income of $155,000 in 2009, this is figured with a 5% raise per year. By taking in to consideration the devaluation of the dollar compared to gold, you will see purchasing real value drop in your income to $43,000.00 per year. So even though you are showing you make $155,000.00 a year, because of the dollar being devalued and prices being higher, you are actually only making $43,000.00 a year!

If you had a savings account with $250,000 that was put into an account drawing 3% interest, you saw a steady increase in the amount of interest of the last 10 years, but in actuality, with the devaluation of the currency, instead of the $334,000.00 you thought you had, you now only have in purchasing real value is only $91,000.00!

If you have a savings and you take 10% of your annual income and put it into your savings over the past 10 years, and it's grown to $448,000.00. With the value of the currency as it was in 2010, your savings after all of that effort is actually only $127,774.00. This is roughly half of what you actually started with in 2000!

You can see in all 3 cases, the destruction of your wealth by the Bankers and the Federal Reserve System.

Next here's what has happened to your investments. On November 2, 2007, the Dow-Jones Industrial average was 13,595 by October 15, 2009 it had declined by 26%. Taking in account the decline of the currency itself, the Dow-Jones Industrial had actually declined a whopping 44%! If you were one of the unfortunate people who had to liquidate to get cash or sold because you were scared of the declining market, you saw a huge reduction in the value of your savings or your investments. And in terms of Real Value you lost a whopping 58%! That went to somebody else. The press and economists talk about the Dow-Jones recovering to its prior levels, but in fact because of the devaluation of the currency, the Dow would have to actually increase to approximately 50,000 points to be able to recover to its prior value.

Your home has gone up in value and you've been building yourself a nest egg for your retirement. In 1950, say that home was worth $30,000.00, now it has increased to $1.5 million. That is an increase of appreciation by $1,470,000.00, or so you think! But according to the value of the dollar compared to the value of gold in today's market, the constant dollar value of the home has only increased to $49,528.00. That is due almost entirely to an increase in the population of the area, in other words increased demand. The remainder is entirely due to dollar devaluation or inflation, it is not a real increase in wealth.

So policy set by the Federal government and the Fed to inflate the currency, to not only rob you of your income but your savings and investments, they have the audacity to come back and tell you that what you have gained is taxable income, when in fact it is nothing more than pure and simple inflation.

In 1913, we had the Federal Reserve Act, but there were other things happening around that period of time also. On Feb. 3, 1913 the 16th Amendment was allegedly ratified by Secretary of State, Philander C. Knox, for whom Fort Knox was later named. This allegedly creates the authority for the Federal government to impose a Federal income tax. Why do they have to have this amendment to the Constitution? The answer is, on April 8, 1895, the Supreme Court ruled, in a decision called Pollack vs Farmers, that the Federal government did not have the authority to impose a Federal Income Tax. The Court argued "that the power to tax is the power to destroy." Subsequent to the 16th Amendment the Federal Income Tax was challenged and again on Feb. 21, 1916, the Supreme Court again rules, in Stanton vs Baltic, that the 16th Amendment "creates NO new powers of taxation". So if the Federal government didn't have it to start with, and this didn't give them the authority to impose it, do we then have a voluntary or a mandatory Federal Income Tax?


This becomes the Second Aspect of the "Tower of Power". These two form the 'twin towers'. Essential banking is the process that creates, increases and perpetuates debt. And Central Taxation is the police power that government can use to force the people to pay these taxes and the interest back to the bankers.

On April 8th the 17th Amendment is allegedly ratified, as envisioned by our Founding Fathers, the people will be represented by their elected Representatives in the House of Representatives. Who would have control over the initiation of all legislation and the Budget. However, the States would be directly represented in the Senate. The Senators would be designated by the Legislators. They would affectively be ambassadors and they would have direct ability of the veto to the things they didn't like coming out of the House of Representatives. Therefore, the States had a role to play directly in the Federal government and therefore, the Federal government was somewhat subordinate to them. The 17th Amendment changed this. Now the Senators will be popularly elected. The States were dealt out.



There's a third major point: When we consider these three together, we can see what happens. As envisioned by the Founding Fathers, the People would be at the top. They are the citizens of their sovereign states and these states would then have a direct hand in controlling the Federal government. The people would pay their taxes with gold and silver to the States, who would then pass off this interest and debt free currency to the Federal government. Via these changes in 1913, the Federal Reserve effectively replaces the States. Giving us instead of the uniform tax, which our Founders intended us to have, we have a progressive tax. When you make a Federal Income Tax payment, it does not go to the Treasury Department, just look at the cancelled check and look at the bank routing number and you will discover it goes to privately owned Federal Reserve Banks, who take this income earned by you and credit the debts owed by the Federal government through the debt monetization process.

As a consequence a group of international banking families, or globalists bankers, are supreme. They have control over the federal government and in return the people are reduced to the bottom.

There are other things that occur around this same period of time that are fundamental. New York City primarily begins to take control over the mass media, newspapers, news wires, all television now eminates from New York City. Also 95% of the magazine publications, books including school books, come from New York City. Public education, which is a plank of the Communist Manifesto, we begin to see its real nature. It removes parents from the education process as well as the local community, it substitutes indoctrination instead of education and it becomes increasingly centralized in the Federal government.

And finally, in New York City, we have the formation of The United Nations, initially called The League of Nations. These are the foundations upon which all of the remaining things have been built.

Our objectives as a people, going forward is to take our country back are as follows:

  • We MUST go on the Offense and we MUST go for the Foundation that has been set up. IF we can get the Foundation, the rest will topple.
  • NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN TO END THE FEDERAL RESERVE. If we do everything else, but we do NOT take away the power of creating money, from these people, everything else will return. The only way we can win permanent liberty is to return to a sound currency as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.
  • We MUST challenge the 16th Amendment.
  • We MUST reverse the 17th Amendment and get the States representation back in the Senate. By doing that we will see that all of these unfunded mandates and dictates coming from Washington will come to a quick end.
  • We need to END New York City's control of our communications networks.
  • We need to shut down the Department of Education and return to local education.
  • We need to defund The United Nations.

While these are our core objectives, we have to defend ourselves from other things that are currently attacking us.

  • We MUST defend our right to keep and bear arms.
  • We MUST defend the sovereignty of our country against the formation of a North American Union or the exchange or conversion of our currency to an Amero or some kind of international monetary system.
  • We MUST defend against Illegal Immigration.
  • Repeal ObamaCare.
  • Stop Cap and Trade
  • Stop Agenda 21 and all of the other issues that are attacking private property.


To begin the restoration, we must begin to build our own set of core competencies.

  • That foundation must be built upon TRUTH. You will not get it on television. Turn off the TV and begin reading books, begin listening to other people who have studied these issues. They may be expressing opinions different from what you understand, but listen to them carefully because they may understand what is true.
  • The experts need to help to get the word out. And they can do this by putting together books, YouTube Videos, and newsletters, articles, flyers and get the word OUT.
  • Everybody needs to be a part of the Communications system. We need the ability to get this information out to tens of millions of people. That is done largely through the internet and using how to utilize those tools.
  • The grassroots organizations like the TEA Party, the 9-12ers, the Campaign for Liberty, the Second Amendment, all of these groups need to begin to form alliances with each other. Ultimately we all share the same purpose, the Restoration of our Constitutional government. Each group doesn't have to give up their individualism, but they do need to communicate, coordinate, and cooperate, in a way that they have not yet done.
  • Finally, all of these will then affect public understanding and public opinion, and as a consequence we will then hopefully elect people who have an understanding, the courage and the conviction to be TRUE ReFounders and get us back to our Constitutional government.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

With the new school year starting all over the nation, this student's "New School Prayer" is very timely. Since the students are no longer allowed to say The Lord's Prayer, The Pledge of Allegiance nor say God or Jesus in most schools any more, this prayer aptly applies to today's classrooms.


With everything our children have to go through today, being afraid while they are at school just shouldn't be one of those things. I know every child that is old enough to realize what happened at Columbine, Virginia Tech and the many, many other schools across this nation and even the world, does keep these thoughts in the back of their minds. I also know they try their best not to think about going to school and some nut-job coming in with guns a-blazing, but I also know how hard that is.

Our little school district has been very blessed and no violence other than a few altercations between students. But nothing as serious as what the larger schools in the major cities face on a daily basis. We have certainly been blessed and I'm thankful to say I believe the majority of our teachers, staff and School Board members are good, honest, fine upstanding Christian people.

I firmly believe that the turning point in our nation came decades ago, when the citizens of this country turned their backs on morality, good character and its Christian values. As long as the citizens of this country continue to allow God to be excluded in our public places and kept out of our schools, governments and other functions, all because of political correctness, our nation will continue on its downward path.

The old saying still stands good today: "All it takes for evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing!"

This nation has been on the decline for over a century because the good people of this nation have refused to do anything to tamp down or completely do away with this political correctness that has run amuck in our country. For us to get out nation back on the right track, it's going to take all of us waking up, standing up and speaking up against the take over of our nation.

The Founding Fathers were enlightened to see what could befall us as a nation, therefore they wrote the Constitution as our guideline and rule of Law of the Land. It's time we get politicians put back in Washington, DC that believe as our Founders believe. If the candidates don't meet ALL of the qualifications of a Founder, then they are not worthy of your vote. Our right to vote is a right given to us by our Founders and there are SO many people who take it for granted. They don't bother to vote for one reason or another and for what ever their reasoning, they are damaging our country. Each of the citizens of this country should be interested in the political process. It is our duty as American citizens to make sure the candidates we vote for have been thoroughly checked out. We must verify they actually believe what we think they believe, or what we think they have stated in their campaign speeches. We must make sure of their past voting record, if they have one. That tells a lot about a candidate. As we have learned from our last Presidential election, the people that the candidate surrounds himself with also tells an awful lot about that candidate. With the internet practically in every home, there is no excuse for not knowing the how, what, who, when, where and why about a candidate in the elections of today.

I have hopes that there are more and more people beginning to take part in their electoral processes in their local communities, counties and states. That gives me hope that more people are becoming aware of the pathway that our nation in on and hopes that those people don't like this pathway any more than I do.

We do have hope for our future. But it's going to take ALL of us united, standing shoulder to shoulder and doing everything we can to keep our country from falling any further down this slippery slope we are on. And it's going to take ALL of us to help pull her, America, back UP that slippery so that she is once again the "Shining Light On The Hill" that President Reagan said she is.

Until next time, may God BLESS and keep each one of you.